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Sharon Carey

Certified Consultant


My Story

I have been in love with Scentsy since the first time I smelled it. A friend showed me a catalog and the charity warmer at the time was for the Sunshine Kids, an organization for childhood cancer patients and their siblings. I bought it to support the group who helped my daughter while in cancer treatments. I now love how we help so many organizations.
The quality of our products is so great. I love that we have something for everyone no matter what your style or scent preference.
I joined to make a little money, which I have, but also to be a part of something. I love that I get a little kickback when I purchase for my own wax habit :)
My next goal is to grow my little tribe on my team and to earn a trip. I have NEVER been on a vacation in my life and it's about time. LDU

What's warming in my home